It's time to come back. I've been gone but now I am back. Now that I'm back I seem to have run out of stuff to say. Faked you out! I never run out of things to say. When I'm getting low on good stuff, I just make stuff up.
First we had an awsome open house for Liz. Thanks all for coming and for also bringing cookies. The leftovers were Fab and I am sporting some new arm flab to prove it.
I have two funny things that have happened since I last blogged. First: My two favorite valentines presents I got. Daren and Elisabeth got me Wii Fit. But in my case it looks like I've stepped on this Wii board and am throwing a fit. My Yoga tree keeps falling down, instead of saying OHM I yell Timber! It's not the same. I just found out that my computer generated super good looking (I think he is, his face is grayed out) stretchy shorts wearing trainer has a pony tail in the back. I like him anyway he makes me feel good about myself and when I could only do 2 Jacknife ab crunches he said "Your getting stronger I can tell". I just bet he could.
My other favorite valentine was a card I got from my most favorite 5th grade student in the reading class I work in. Her name is Karla and when I brought valentines for the kids she was quite upset she didn't have one for me. After school she brought me one and it is so cute I just had to scan it in so you all could see it.
If you can't see it very well she has scratched out "Lunch Lady" and put in Colman. She is just the sweetest little girl.
And this is an exciting story. You know for sure that when I tell a story I NEVER exaggerate or embellish or Helenize the story at all.
Sarah was home sick one day and I was eating a skinny cow ice cream sandwich in the family room. I saw this high school looking kid with an emo haircut walking up to my driveway. So I open the door and say "Can I help you with something?" The kid says "I'm looking for my friend Brandons house". So I shut the door and then as I am shutting the door I see emo haircut and friends now riding down my street on scooters. OUR SCOOTERS! I run outside and yell "Hey you stole our scooters" I am met with laughs and some hoots as well as hollars. Now I am mad! The skinny Cow slips out of my hand, breaking the tender cookie as it hits the ground. I am so mad now. I run after the scooter thieves yelling "bring those back their not yours" (like they didn't know) I am no match against the light speed of the razor scooter sailing down the street. I abandon the foot chase and rush in the house to grab the keys to jakes truck. I wanted to get my suburban with the PA system so I could yell at them and scare them but Jakes keys were handy. I zoom north in pursuit I see them hop the fence over to the golf course. "Oh no you did- unt I say to myself" I park the truck, leave the door open, and run through someone's backyard and HOP THE FENCE after them. Oh yes I di ud. Emo haircut and his two pals look back and imagine their surprise to find not so skinny cow mom running after them. I yell "where are the scooters" because they are running not scooting. Emo haircut #2 yells "we left them in the alley" I can't stop now because I'm kinda going down the ice blocking hill and I am still running after them. In the blink of an eye they disappear. So now I am running randomly on the golf course. When I get my feet back under me I re-hop the fence and see the scooters in the alley as promised. I grab all three scooters and put them in the back of the truck. When I return home victorious as the scooter saver Sarah is just standing there with a mixture of horror and disbelief. I explain to her that I have just rescued our scooters from the evil clutches of a band of razor scooter robbers. Sarah picks up the scooters looks on at the names on the bottom and reads aloud "John Wright, AJ Cummard and James Wright". They weren't even our scooters.
Lots of changes....
13 years ago